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Welcome to the MyPlace Whistleblowing Channel, a dedicated platform for the responsible reporting of legal infringements. This channel is designed to facilitate the submission of reports regarding any suspected violations of legal standards.
The whistleblower system only applies to legal violations in the following areas:
- Consumer protection
- Environmental protection
- Financial services, financial products and financial markets and prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
- Food and feed safety, animal health and welfare
- Public Procurement
- Prevention and punishment of criminal offenses pursuant to Sections 302 to 309 of the Criminal Code (StGB)
- Product Safety and compliance
- Protection of privacy and personal data and security of network and information systems
- Public health
- Radiation protection and nuclear safety
- Transport safety
The reporting mechanism is designed to ensure complete confidentiality and offers the option for anonymity. Should you choose to, you may reveal your identity by providing your name and surname. However, anonymity is fully respected throughout the entire process if preferred.
Our Whistleblowing Officer is committed to handling each case with the utmost impartiality, confidentiality, security, and in compliance with all relevant data protection regulations.
This platform allows you to securely submit a new report. You will receive feedback within the specified deadlines if you have provided the data required for feedback, in particular contact details. We will of course also investigate anonymous reports.
We encourage responsible reporting from all individuals who may have knowledge of activities that warrant attention. Your participation as a whistleblower plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and compliance of our organization.
Please note: The following information about the processing of personal is only applicable in the case you provide your personal information (eg name) to us. If you choose to report anonymously we do not process any kind of your personal data.
Information notice according to article 13 of the GDPR