Groß, ebenerdig & sofort verfügbar! Sichere Sie sich jetzt ein XXL (15-30m2) oder XXXL (>30m2) Lagerabteil in Zürich-Dietlikon – bequem zugänglich und ohne Hindernisse direkt befahrbar. Jetzt Platz sichern, solange verfügbar!
Company Data |
Brandname | „MyPlace-SelfStorage“ |
Companyname | Selfstorage-Dein Lagerraum LV GmbH |
Area of business | Rental of storage units to private and commercial users |
Additional services | Insurance of the storage contents, sales of storage accessories, transportation, vacating and waste disposal |
Foundation | Vienna, May 1999 |
Registered office | Vienna, Austria |
Partners | The Gerhardus an Hild families; Ysselbach GmbH, Fremont-Myplace L.L.C. |
Management | Herbert Hild, Hubert Spallart, Paul Visotschnig, Conrad Salm-Reifferscheidt |
Operative branch offices | 66 in Switzerland, Germany and Austria: Berlin (18), Potsdam (1), Munich (8), Hamburg (6), Nuremberg (2), Stuttgart (2), Frankfurt (2), Offenbach (1), Wiesbaden (1), Mainz (1), Leipzig (1), Bremen (1), Vienna (16), Graz (2), Linz (1), Zurich (3) |
Branches under construction | 8 (2x Vienna, 1x Munich, 2x Berlin, 1x Frankfurt, 1x Bremen, 1x Hamburg) |
Branches in planning | 25 (23x Germany, 2x Austria) |
Total number of units | 51.145 |
Operative surface | 288.675 square metres |
Number of employees | 224 |
Data branch offices |
Volume investment/branch offices | 8,5–9,5 Mio. Euro |
Average number of branch offices | 8.000 square metres |
Number of units per branch office | ca. 800 – 1.000 |
Unit size | 1-50 square metres |
Unit sizes/branch offices | ca. 70 different sizes |
Customers in Germany/Austria/Switzerland | 28.000 |
Environment, Social & Governance |
Content | In our MyPlace ESG report, all in-house guidelines, measures, data and facts relating to the topics of environment, social and corporate governance (ESG) are brought together. The report is intended to point out that the shareholders of MyPlace, the management and the employees are willing to take responsibility and contribute to the implementation of the European Green Deal and the targeted climate neutrality of the EU by 2050. |
Customer information |
Office hours | Mon - Fri: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM Sat 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM |
Access to the units | Mon - Sun: 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM |
Security | Access control with number codes, individual unit keys, 24h video surveillance, modern alarm systems, guard service |
Price per week | From € 7,- (D and A)/CHF 15,- (CH) |
Discounts | 15% if paid in advance for one year |
Cooperation partners | Negotiated offers with cooperation partners for relocation services, transportation, rental cars, shelf mounting, disposal |
Supplementary offerings | Free moving help, shop, etc. |