Groß, ebenerdig & sofort verfügbar! Sichere Sie sich jetzt ein XXL (15-30m2) oder XXXL (>30m2) Lagerabteil in Zürich-Dietlikon – bequem zugänglich und ohne Hindernisse direkt befahrbar. Jetzt Platz sichern, solange verfügbar!
Information and transparency are essential cornerstones for us and generate trust. In this legal notice you will therefore find all the necessary information about this website in accordance with the statutory information requirements.
Field of activity, basic direction
Rental of storage space to private individuals and traders as well as insurance of the storage contents, sale of storage accessories, arranging transport, clearance and waste recycling.
Responsible for the content
SelfStorage Dein Lagerraum AG
Vegastrasse 2, 8152 Zürich-Glattpark, Switzerland
FB-Number: CHE‑102.687.477
Phone: 0041-448295050
E-Mail-Address: Contact Form
Managing Director: H.Hild, C.Salm-Reifferscheidt, H.Spallart, P.Visotschnig
Media Owner
SelfStorage Dein Lagerraum AG
Vegastrasse 2, 8152 Zürich-Glattpark, Switzerland
FB-Nummber: CHE‑102.687.477
Phone: 0041-448295050
E-Mail-Address: Contact Form
Managing Director: C.Salm-Reifferscheidt, H.Spallart, P.Visotschnig
Purpose of the company
Holding and managing shareholdings in other companies at home and abroad: the provision of services for affiliated companies: as well as planning, construction and operation of warehouses and storage areas for rent to private individuals and tradespeople, as well as the implementation of financing and consulting work in connection with the Construction and operation of such warehouses.
Copyright, trademark and industrial property rights
All content is subject to the copyright of SelfStorage Dein Lager LagervermietungsgesmbH unless otherwise indicated. Texts, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos are protected by copyright and other protective laws. The content may not be copied, distributed, modified or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Any use, in particular storage in databases, duplication, distribution, processing and any form of commercial use as well as passing on to third parties, even in parts or in revised form, is prohibited without the consent of the operator or the author.
SelfStorage Dein Lagerraum AG
Adresse: Vegastrasse 2, 8152 Zürich-Glattpark, Switzerland
Phone: 0041-448295050
E-Mail-Address: Contact Form
You can reach our data protection officer at:
Dispute resolution
SelfStorage Dein Lagerraum AG recognizes the Ombudsstelle E-Commerce as an instance of out-of-court dispute resolution.
Ombudsstelle E-Commerce
Address: Belpstrasse 11, 3007 Bern
Phone: 031 380 50 39